Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
graduate student
Russian Federation
The duration of a separate construction process depends on many factors: the number of workers, machines and mechanisms, weather conditions and others. Quantitative characteristics of some of them can be established and accepted from among the possible ones. Such factors are called capacity-type resources (renewable). The need for renewable resources at a certain point in time is characterized by the intensity of their consumption and is expressed by the number of resource units used simultaneously (workers, machines and mechanisms, etc.). The intensity of resource consumption is the main organizational and technological parameter of the construction of buildings, which determines the development of construction processes over time and the duration of the construction of the object as a whole.
construction process, duration, construction organization, scope of work, working area
1. Korol E.A., Petrosyan R.S. Methodological approaches to the formation of the organizational and technological mechanism for improving the manufacturability of work during the overhaul of buildings. In the collection: IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. International Science and Technology Conference "FarEastCon 2019". 2020. p. 032057.
2. Vatin N., Gorshkov A., Nemova D., Tarasova D. Energy efficiency of facades at major repairs of buildings. 633–6342014. 991–996 p. ISBN:9783038352563.
3. Korol E.A., Gaydysheva Y.V. Comparative analysis of dismantling works // CEB: Construction Equipment Bulletin. 2020. № 3 (1027). P. 24-26.
4. Korol E.A, Mostovoy D., Pleshivcev A. Technological parameter optimization of multilayer enclosure structures with the multiple-criteria decision analysis // In the collection: MATEC Web of Conferences. 2018. p. 03031.
5. Korol E.A., Zhuravleva A.A. Algorithm for choosing rational organizational and technological solutions in the construction of low-rise residential buildings // CEB: Construction Equipment Bulletin. 2018. № 7 (1007). P. 51-53.
6. Korol E.A., Pleshivtsev A.A. Studies of technological operations by the method of timing during the construction of transformed low-rise buildings // Scientific Review. 2017. № 9. P. 10-15.
7. Petrosyan R.S., Korol O.A. Reserves for increasing the processability of works during overhaul of buildings // CEB: Construction Equipment Bulletin. 2020. № 3 (1027). P. 36-37.
8. Korol O.A., Dekhtyar E.V. Organizational and technological measures to ensure regulated deadlines for the overhaul of apartment buildings // CEB: Construction Equipment Bulletin. 2020. № 7 (1031). P. 45-47.
9. Marat Kuzhin, Marina Akimockina. Optimization of construction parameters using resource scheduling. E3S Web of Conferences 97, 06030 (2019). DOI:
10. Oleg Korol Development of the methodology of calendar planning in the system of organizational and technological preparation of capital repair of multiapartment residential houses. IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series 1425 (2020) 01208. DOI: 10.1088/1742-6596/1425/1/012086