Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This work presents the relevance of modeling drug acute toxic hepatitis as a factor leading to destabilization in human homeostasis. The liver is one of the most important internal organs of animals, including humans, performing a huge number of physiological functions, including biotransformation and elimination of many exogenous and endogenous compounds. The metabolism and utilization of xenobiotics, allergens, toxins and poisons occurs under the action of microsomal liver enzymes. Acute toxic hepatitis develops due to damage to the hepatocytes metabolites of medicinal substances and the development of reactive inflammation and necrosis of liver cells. Drug-induced hepatitis leads to a change in the structure of the liver, disorders of intrahepatic hemodynamics, the development of liver failure and liver cirrhosis.

pharmaco-modulation, acute drug toxic hepatitis, paracetamol, stem cells, hepatocytes.

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