The structure of the Falkland Current is studied on the basis of a CTD/LADCP and SADCP hydrographic section across the current carried out along 46° S in November 2016. In the upper 200 m, the maximum velocities based on LADCP reach 57 cm/s, and they are as high as 60 cm/s based on SADCP data. The current is directed to the northeast. At 1500 m the velocities decrease to 10 cm/s. The transport measured by LADCP is 30.9 Sv in the water column up to the bottom. The SADCP transport between 0 and 600 m is 20.7 Sv. It is shown that different means of estimating the velocities of the current result in close values.
Falkland Current, CTD casts, Lowered ADCP, Ship ADCP, dynamic currents
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