GRNTI 76.33 Гигиена и эпидемиология
GRNTI 76.03 Медико-биологические дисциплины
OKSO 31.06.2001 Клиническая медицина
OKSO 31.08.08 Радиология
OKSO 32.08.12 Эпидемиология
OKSO 14.04.02 Ядерные физика и технологии
BBK 534 Общая диагностика
BBK 51 Социальная гигиена и организация здравоохранения. Гигиена. Эпидемиология
TBK 5712 Медицинская биология. Гистология
TBK 5734 Медицинская радиология и рентгенология
TBK 6212 Радиоактивные элементы и изотопы. Радиохимия
TBK 5708 Гигиена и санитария. Эпидемиология. Медицинская экология
Introduction: Uranium hexafluoride (UF6, UHF) is a gaseous product containing uranium and fluorine. Once in the air, it interacts with water vapor and produces hydrolysis products that can penetrate the human body and lead to the chemical effects of uranium and fluorine, as well as the radiation effects of uranium on the body. This action can be very strong and therefore serious attention has been paid to its study for a long time. Purpose: Quantitative calculation of the radiation effects of uranium on humans and their analysis in the conditions of daily work at nuclear power plants, as well as in emergency situations. Material and methods: We consider uranium hexafluoride that appears under certain conditions in the air of the working rooms of some enterprises and describes methods for describing the distribution of UHF hydrolysis products to objects that can sense their effects. All these methods are combined into a single integrated model. The analytical expressions obtained in the framework of this model at various stages are given, which make it possible to calculate the radiation effect of UHF. Results: The calculated values of the characteristics of the radiation exposure are given, their analysis is carried out. The conditions are formulated under which there is a danger of serious radiation exposure of uranium hexafluoride to employees of nuclear power plants during everyday work and in emergency situations. Conclusion: Based on all the material presented, it is concluded that the constructed mathematical model reliably describes the event in question and allows us to calculate the radiation effect of uranium on humans.
uranium hexafluoride, hydrolysis products, inhalation intake, percutaneous intake, mathematical model
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