Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relevance of the research topic. The authors found that various risk factors play a leading role in changing the clinical state of periodontal tissues. The aim is a comparative assessment of the clinical condition of periodontal tissues based on the correlation of hygienic and periodontal indices depending on age. Material and methods. A comprehensive clinical examination of 765 young people was conducted. The main group consisted of 70 (66.6%) patients with diagnosed chronic gingivitis and 145 (33.35%) patients with mild initial periodontitis due to the presence of conditionally pathogenic and periodontopathogenic types of microorganisms in the microbial biofilm. The control group was formed by 83 patients whose index evaluation revealed the condition of periodontal tissues in the form of clinically healthy gums with intact periodontal and clinically healthy gums with periodontal tissue loss, respectively, in 61.4 and 38.6% of cases of observations. Study results. In 61.4% of persons forming groups with clinically healthy gums, hygienic and periodontal indices are within normal values, in 38.6% of cases of persons there is a tendency to change them from the norm. In 47.7% and 52.3% of cases of individuals with gingivitis and in 48.3% and 51.7% of individuals with initial periodontitis, the OHI-S index correlates with the indicators of PMA, GI and SBI (p < 0.001, p = 0.315). Conclusions. Thus, the revealed changes in the indicators of hygienic and periodontal indices (the Chuprov conjugacy coefficient is 0.64 (p = 0.012), the Kraskel-Wallis criterion (H = 7.89, p < 0.05) makes it possible to clearly determine the clinical condition of periodontal tissues corresponding to modern European criteria.

hygienic, periodontal indices, clinically healthy gums, chronic gingivitis, initial periodontitis, young age

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