employee from 01.10.2008 until now
Russian Federation
Descriptive geometry is the most difficult subject studied by first-year students in technical universities. The paper considers the reasons for poor geometric knowledge among university graduates. It is determined that there are three main objective reasons. 1. Poor geometric training in high school, where they study planimetry and stereometry, but not all the knowledge that future students will need at the university is included for passing the Unified State Exam. Also, in high school, students do not develop the habit of thinking analytically, although when proving geometric theorems, this function has developed greatly. 2. Descriptive geometry has a completely different method, which differs from all the methods of disciplines that are studied at school, is the projection method, which develops spatial imagination. Exactly the method that gives any description in the daily activities of any person and in the work of any engineer. 3. Disadvantages of university textbooks on descriptive geometry. Each section of the textbook on descriptive geometry has been based on a particular geometric image since ancient times: a point, a straight line, a plane, etc. As a result, tasks that could be collected in their own section of the textbook (for example, all positional problems or all metric problems) are scattered throughout the entire body of the textbook. And from this there is an opinion that each of the tasks has its own unique solution algorithm. It is shown that with a systematic approach, all positional problems, as well as all metric ones, are solved, in principle, according to a single algorithm.
geometry, pedagogy, secondary education, higher education, descriptive geometry
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