Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This paper deals with the important issues of the developed model of memory, namely: basic elements of functional scheme of ion-molecular model: potential sources, transmitters, detectors, mass storage media by means of radio-physical analogy. It was established that neurons are structural elements of memory. The question of the role of cash and new proteins in the organization of memory was considered. Without a doubt, that in the process of transfer and accumulation of information is the activation of protein synthesis. Definitions of the source, detector, transmitter and drive information in their biological, biophysical interpretations were given. It is about a multi-element information system. It is clear that from the position of the conceptual model of memory, as originally postulated, opens a wide field for discussion. The below is an element of the hierarchical tree of memory, the more difficult it becomes positively identify him. But any new theory invariably goes through this stage. Detailed scheme of subordination elements of the system of receiving information on ionic and molecular carriers of memory was presented. In the end of this paper a substantial question was considered: is it possible to store all the received information, limited only by the time of functioning (existence) of the body? On the basis of the analysis of literary sources and in the context of developing the authors of ion-molecular memory model answer to the question can be the following: the concept of the possibility of such information storage if there is, obviously, only in that case when there are no structural changes in the library memory.

source, detector, transmitter, drive, neuron, information system, protein, RNA level, reminiscence.

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