Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. A person's individuality depends on the peculiarities of his behavior in the conditions of modern life realities of society, his way of thinking and his communication skills. All the features of human behavior are interconnected, but some of them, in our opinion, play the most decisive role in life, in particular the appearance of a person. The dental status, namely, the ideal smile, is taken into account not only as a dentofacial composition, but also determines the special role of the aesthetic aspect of orthopedic rehabilitation, which is an integral part of the form of individual and collective life activity of a modern person. Thus, the study of aesthetic problems remains especially relevant dental care being provided to the dental patients. The aim is to study the relationship between the influence of age and aesthetic parameters of a smile on the sociability of patients. Methodology. Our study involved 30 male and female patients aged 30 to 40 years. We conducted the main (collecting anamnesis, study of diagnostic models) and additional (analysis of the results of the assessment of the dental aesthetic index (DAI)) research methods and questionnaires according to the V.F. Ryakhovsky test "Assessment of the level of sociability". The results of the study. Analysis of the results of the study allows us to conclude that 50% of patients from the examination group of the age category of 30-40 years have severe and very severe malocclusion, which directly affects the harmony of the smile. People smile less, they are embarrassed to speak, communication efficiency is not high, thus one of the conditions for building a successful career is not achieved. Conclusions. Having completed our research, we came to the conclusion that the age of the studied patients and the state of the dental system affect people's communication efficacy. Thus, dental health has a significant impact to the components of human well-being.

aesthetic parameters of a smile, sociability, dental health, quality of life, bite

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