Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the issues related to the identification of the essence and peculiarities of professional adaptation of personnel, problems of attitude to unification into groups, the degree of satisfaction: labor activity, working conditions, position in the team, the nature of interactions and relationships in the organization, in the team, themselves and the results of their work, assessment of collectivism. The study used the questionnaire "Assessment of socio-psychological professional adaptation" by M.A. Dmitrireva and "Methodology for determining integral satisfaction with labor" by A.V. Batarshev, the sample was 208 people. As a result of the study, factors were identified that negatively affect the system of adaptation of recruiting agency specialists: a low level of collectivism, as a result of low team cohesion; low level of self-satisfaction of specialists at work; low level of satisfaction of specialists with achievements in the work. Among the main directions of improving the personnel adaptation system, the following areas are proposed: increasing the level of collectivism by introducing communication games on team cohesion, as well as organizing intellectual timbuilding for specialists; formation of Total Rewards intangible motivation. This motivation system will allow employees to maintain a balance between work and life and feel their own value; Development of a quarterly performance compensation system. This method will allow for regular assessment of staff achievements.

professional adaptation, personnel, professional environment, organizational behavior, socio-psychological climate, labor potential, working capacity, personnel management, human resources

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