Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Russian Federation
The article substantiates the need to create a new model of a personnel management system - electronic human resource management, which is an advanced business solution that provides full online support in the management of all processes, actions, data and information necessary for human resource management in a modern company, it is determined the essence and content, the goal, objectives, levels of electronic human resource management are shown, functions and results are shown, methods and opportunities for the implementation of electronic human resource management are proposed. It is shown that the introduction of electronic human resource management increases the efficiency of HR management processes by concentrating information about personnel in a centralized data bank, speeding up information processing, reducing errors and the amount of duplicate work, reducing less productive activities in the field of human resources and its reorientation to strategic tasks.
electronic human resource management (E-HRM), digitalization, web technologies, information system, goals, objectives, functions
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