Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
It was performed the study of endothelial dysfunction markers dynamics in pregnant with influenza and evaluation of the prognostic significance of these parameters. It analyzed the data 44 included pregnant women (average age of 28,2±7,3 years) diagnosed with flu mean (n=26) and severe (n=18) degrees. 22 pregnant women with no evidence of infectious and somatic diseases in the control group (mean age 27,2±5,4 years). The diagnosis of highly pathogenic H1N1 was confirmed using virological examination, all patients were hospitalized. Found that pregnant women who have had the flu during gestation, it reveals significant shifts of the levels of markers of endothelial dysfunction in blood plasma: reducing the concentration of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) reduced compared with healthy pregnant women and increased levels of endothelial protein C receptor along with increasing concentrations endothelin-1. It is shown that with increasing severity of flu during pregnancy, the severity of the imbalance of these markers is increased. The presence of significant correlation coefficients significant moderate force between the frequency of complications of pregnancy, childbirth and perinatal outcomes and degree of changes in the concentrations of markers of endothelial dysfunction. It is concluded that high prognostic value of assessing these factors, it is proposed to include them in the definition of an algorithm for pregnant women with influenza.

influenza, acute respiratory viral infection, markers of endothelial dysfunction, pregnancy complications.

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