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Abstract (English):
Ten geological-geophysical parameters used in geodynamics directly or indirectly reflecting geometry of the Atlantic lithosphere inner boundaries, mass distribution within the lithosphere, and energy release made it possible to calculate 15 stable combinations of parameters whose manifestation areas are interpreted as geodynamically different districts. The Atlantic lithosphere zonation allows a new segmentation of a mid-oceanic ridge zone presenting the alternation of "cold'' and "hot'' blocks, marked by discrete conditions of basalt melts formation. Additional phenomena superimposed on the standard oceanic lithosphere are discussed. The phenomena present zones pseudosymmetric with respect to a mid-oceanic ridge marked by highly productive plume magmatism, these zones are more extensive than it has been considered earlier, and sublatitudinal zones exhibiting some features of fore-arc zones.

Geodynamic zonation, cluster analysis, mid-oceanic ridge zone.
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