Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The main and most significant results of the CORONAS-F space project are presented. In the scope of this project observations of solar activity and its impact on the Earth were carried out from July 2001 to December 2005. The remote observation devices studied the localization and morphology of solar activity in the second half of the 23rd solar cycle. High-temperature plasma formations are found and studied in the solar corona, eruptive phenomena, processes of particle acceleration, and atomic and nuclear processes in solar flares are investigated. The devices of the "Solar Cosmic Ray'' complex studied manifestations of solar activity in the near-Earth environment, dynamics of the radiation belts of the Earth, and rebuilding of the magnetosphere structure in the periods of magnetic storms caused by active events on the Sun. Results related to the upper atmosphere of the Earth and helioseismology are also presented.

heliophysical year, CORONAS-F project, near-Earth environment, helioseismology.
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