Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Subject. The design of the implant-suprastructure connection is one of the key factors influencing the success of implant-supported prosthetic treatment. Different types of connection have their own biological and mechanical characteristics, on the knowledge of which the success of the patient's rehabilitation directly depends. Implants are permanently exposed to a cyclic chewing load, which spreads through the prosthetic structure to the internal connection, including the implant itself, the suprastructure and the fixing screw. The retaining screw is the weakest link in the internal connection of the implantation system. A clear understanding of the biomechanics of the implantation system allows you to optimize individual treatment planning and reduce the risk of complications. Objectives. Analysis and search for patterns of occurrence of biomechanical complications in various types of connections between the implant, screw and abutment. Determination of the advantages and disadvantages of using implant systems with different types of connection in orthopedic treatment based on implants, in order to improve the quality of planning and orthopedic treatment. Methods. Literature review was carried out to assess the state of the fixing screw of an implant in various types of implant connections. To write the article, more than 90 local and foreign sources were analyzed on electronic resources PubMed, Medline, Cochrane, Elibrary, Cyberleninka for keywords. Results. The literature review describes the current understanding of the causes of biomechanical complications arising in the connection of a dental implant, abutment and fixing screw. Conclusions. The results of our analysis allow us to conclude that the patterns of the occurrence of biomechanical complications in various types of connections between the implant, screw and abutment are being actively studied, however, the effect of the type of connection on the fixing screw requires additional study.

implant abutment connection, implant abutment junction, fixation screw, abutment screw, implant screw

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