Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Work objective. The article considers the process of optimizing transport and logistics system in various areas of work and represents the task of solving a complex multi-criteria system. Determining the most optimal and accurate way to solve this problem will lead to a significant stimulation of the management processes of transport and logistics complexes, in particular trucking. Research methods. The research was carried out by analyzing the solution of multi-criteria mathematical problems. Novelty of the work. The novelty of the work is due to the need to solve the main problems of optimizing the operation of the transport and logistics system. The solution of this task will stimulate the country's economy by increasing the volume of annual shipping goods, as this indicator is one of the key road transport complex of our country. Research results and novelty. According to the results of the study, the main ways of solving the problem of optimizing the transport and logistics system are determined. Conclusions: The main criteria for solving a multi-criteria task in optimizing the planning, organization and management of terminal and warehouse complexes of work are determined.

transport and logistics complex, transportation, terminal and warehouse service, optimization

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