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Abstract (English):
The article examines the issues of marketing in the business travel market. Suggested is the concept of domestic professional tourism. The author denotes the importance of inter-regional partnerships in developing successful sales channels for the tourist product. For the development of this partnership contacts with regions and twin cities can be intensified, which will give an opportunity to establish business, cultural and scientific relations. Noted that in the process of development of such cooperation it is important to determine the status of the region, which can enter into inter-regional contacts and as a consumer of the regional tourism product, and as a partner, having a kindred tourist specialization. The role of territorial marketing as a tool to implement the strategy of regional development is also highlighted. Analyzed are levels of the tourism product in the formation of prices of territorial tourism products. Disclosed is the basis of companies that create territorial tourism products. The author demonstrates problems with branding areas, as well as the role of economic methods and marketing tools in the formation of an integrated tourist product. It is concluded that a tourism and recreation area appears in several forms: firstly, it is a product that should be promoted on the wide and local markets of tourist services; secondly, it is an administrative unit (subject), operated according to federal, state and local laws; third, it is a geographical unit (space) and has a certain resource, economic and industrial potential; fourth, it is a place where not only tourists visit but the local population resides. The significance of Public Relations for the successful promotion of the territory is high especially in the form of public relations and propaganda by creating public opinion about a product, service, manufacturer, seller, or country.

tourism marketing, tourism services, specifics of business tourism, marketing organization

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