Evaluation of the original forms of tomato for heterosis breeding
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The aim of this work is to study tomato sorters with contrasting complementary in hybridization of morpho-biological properties favorable for the expression of the effect of heterosis. Novelty. Tomatoes as a culture are quite plastic and easily adapted to the most diverse soil-climatic conditions of cultivation. Detectable natural mutations were easily fixed by screenings and gave rise to new and new forms. These changes concerned many signs and properties and allowed practically to design tomato plants for specific human needs. Methods. The studies included stamp varieties: Shtambovyy 5 and Fonarik, medium-ripe Kuban 557 and medium late-ripe Volgogradskiy 5/95 and Krasnodarets 87. The test was carried out in comparison with the best districted varieties (standards) in irrigated conditions. Results. By the nature of growth, the greatest habitus was observed in the parent line LS 2/11 164.6, which is a consequence of the subsequent orders of branching and the inflorescences formed on them, providing the highest yield of this line. According to the analysis of interactions, the year and genotype for the conditions of the year strongly determine the mass of fruits from one plant (66.1 %), while the number of fruits and the average weight of the fruit are determined mainly by the genotype: 92.8 and 73.2 %, respectively. The number and size of fruits are signs with strong genetic determinancy, which are components of the mass of fruits, which shows a strong dependence of the latter indicator on the conditions of the year. When combining optimal productivity indicators, they also showed the least variability, which is of considerable practical interest.

tomato, sort-forming, ripening, habitus, fruit, yield, sustainability, evaluation
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