Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Mechanical engineering as an industry needs modernizing to maintain a sufficient level of competitiveness. The existing education system is not able to fully provide enterprises with qualified staff. This is due to a gap between the level of knowledge obtained in an educational institution and the enterprise real needs. To bridge the gap, more attention should be paid to personnel training and retraining. The article identifies the problems of educating future engineers, proposes an appropriate set of measures providing for a three-level transformation: at the level of government, regions and enterprises; considers a model for training staff of a machine-building enterprise and also suggests building regional training and internship centres. Such centres will make it possible not only to train workers, to conduct internships for students and employees, but also to provide internships for future engineers, to acquaint them with the production specifics. Such internships will ensure young specialists’ consolidation, allow them to interact more effectively with enterprises, and create for them an additional incentive to stay in the region. Furthermore, a favourable image of a machine-building worker, engineer, innovator, and ordinary worker should be formed.
raining for mechanical engineering, engineering education, staff training, training and internship centre
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