Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the geometric locations of points equidistant from two spheres. In all variants of the mutual position of the spheres, the geometric places of the points are two surfaces. When the centers of the spheres coincide with the locus of points equidistant from the spheres, there will be spheres equal to the half-sum and half-difference of the diameters of the original spheres. In three variants of the relative position of the initial spheres, one of the two surfaces of the geometric places of the points is a two-sheet hyperboloid of revolution. It is obtained when: 1) the spheres intersect, 2) the spheres touch, 3) the outer surfaces of the spheres are removed from each other. In the case of equal spheres, a two-sheeted hyperboloid of revolution degenerates into a two-sheeted plane, more precisely, it is a second-order degenerate surface with a second infinitely distant branch. The spheres intersect - the second locus of the points will be the ellipsoid of revolution. Spheres touch - the second locus of points - an ellipsoid of revolution, degenerated into a straight line, more precisely into a zero-quadric of the second order - a cylindrical surface with zero radius. The outer surfaces of the spheres are distant from each other - the second locus of points will be a two-sheet hyperboloid of revolution. The small sphere is located inside the large one - two coaxial confocal ellipsoids of revolution. In all variants of the mutual position of spheres of the same diameters, the common geometrical place of equidistant points is a plane (degenerate surface of the second order) passing through the middle of the segment perpendicular to it, connecting the centers of the original spheres. The second locus of points equidistant from two spheres of the same diameter can be either an ellipsoid of revolution (if the original spheres intersect), or a straight (cylindrical surface with zero radius) connecting the centers of the original spheres when the original spheres touch each other, or a two-sheet hyperboloid of revolution (if continue to increase the distance between the centers of the original spheres).

geometry, descriptive geometry, geometrical places of points, GMT, analytical geometry, line, sphere, ellipsoid of revolution, two-sheet hyperboloid of revolution

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