Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The development of information technology has given an important impetus to the development of many sectors of development, including education. One of the conditions for improving learning outcomes in terms of new approaches and requirements is the introduction of information technology. The 21st century is called informational (knowledge-based, information technology, etc.). At this time of increasing information flow and rapid technological development, there is a need for cooperation and exchange of information and knowledge. In 2019, Mongolia was ranked 14th in Asia in the ICT Development Index in a keynote speech at the Mongolia International Digital User Conference. The use of active teaching methods improves the knowledge and skills of students. Active learning is learning that engages learners in the learning process and allows them to think about what they are doing and find ways to do it. Active learning is about helping students learn for themselves, not teaching them. Since the development of computer technology and the emergence of the Internet, scientists and educators in developed and developing countries of the world have conducted a wide range of experimental studies on the use of electronic technology and electronic materials in the learning process. Depending on the type of information technology used in training, it is divided into: e-learning, mobile learning, u-learning, blended learning, and more. The study mentioned in the article is a blended form of study, and in recent years, it has become commonplace in the best universities in the world to combine full-time education with online education at the same level. The study of methods and ways of introducing electronic technology in education are of practical importance. In this article, we present the results of some studies carried out on the example of teaching the subject of engineering graphics at MGUNT.

E-learning, distance learning, higher education, information technology

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