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Abstract (English):
Studying the vegetation of freshwater lakes remains a topical subject in the national parks of the Arkhangelsk Region. It is in particular important for the Onega Pomorie National Park, which is located along the coasts of the Onega and Dvinskoy bays (of the White Sea) in the northern part of the Onega Peninsula. This article examines the spatial structure of aquatic and coastal-aquatic vegetation of Murakanskoye and Bolshoye Vygozero – two large lakes of the Onega Peninsula. The spatial structure is presented in the form of ecological series of associations of plant communities. A comparative characteristic of the lakes’ vegetation is given in the discussion of the article. The littoral zone is poorly developed in both lakes mentioned above. It depends on the openness of the water areas to the winds from the north. It is indicated that the species composition and vegetation structure of the Bolshoye Vygozero Lake mostly depends on water transparency and high acidity; these factors determine the development of the Phragmitetum australis fontinaliosum dalecarlicae, Phragmitetum australis caricosum aquatilis, Caricetum aquatilis associations. In the Murakanskoe Lake, high water transparency and slightly alkaline pH values contribute to the development of communities of pondweeds – such as Potamogeton alpinus, Potamogeton praelongus, and communities of the Lobelietum dortmannae isoëtosum echinosporae association.

aquatic and coastal aquatic vegetation, National Park “Onezhskoye Pomorye”, Bolshoye Vygozero Lake, Murakanskoye Lake, the factors of the abiotic environment
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