Free Economic Society of Russia ( President)
International Union of Economists ( President)
Russian Academy of Sciences ( Expert)
St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
New production technologies create more opportunities to meet people’s needs. However, they inevitably increase the antropogenic load on the environment. Therefore, the social conditions of industrial production have to be changed in such a way as to use the new technologies to solve the emerging problems without aggravating them. One option is to increase the knowledge intensity of production, which means that specific weight of knowledge should be embodied in the production and dominate the material costs. Another option is to replace human functions by automated production means. However, the current social production conditions concentrate new technological opportunities on the production and sales growth, which further increases consumption and the volume of absorbed natural resources. Consumption also grows due to the false needs imposed on consumers. Knowledge-intensive production creates prerequisites for the transition to the second generation industrial society, but this transition alone cannot solve the numerous global problems. The only solution is to replace the current economic criteria of production and consumption with those based on reason and culture, i.e. noonomy, which is a non-economic way of satisfying people’s needs. The roadmap towards noonomy should be a consciously managed strategic project based of the concept of strategizing developed by Professor V.L. Kvint.
technology, knowledge-intensive production, ecological balance, personality development, simulacra, creative activity, noonomy, strategizing
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