Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Today, innovation is becoming a major feature of modern economy, as basic innovations are a powerful and strategic crisis management tool. The relevance of innovative technologies proved by rapid globalization of the world market and a reduction in product life cycles, as well as by the need of a strategic approach to upgrade the quality characteristics of products and services. In the hotel businesses innovations involve technological aspects of the production of hotel services and marketing tools. In an increasingly competitive hotel enterprises are forced to look for new ways to improve and appeal. To remain competitive and develop efficiently, as well as to attract foreign tourists in hotels of Russia there is a need for an active introduction of innovative technologies used by leading international hotel companies. Innovation should not only meet the needs of the client, but also create a sense of excitement from the time spent in the hotel. The article gives a theoretical justification of the term "innovation", the features of the introduction and use of "green" technologies in the hospitality industry in Russia and abroad as one of the most important indicators of success and competitiveness of a modern hotel businesses, noted the role of these innovations in the transition to the new course of "green" economy in the process to ensure public safety and the environment, due to inherent "green" technologies as an integral part of management in the hospitality industry. The article also highlights the need for enhanced problem-solving of ecological and economic efficiency for hotel businesses in regions, which receive significant volumes of tourist flows.

innovation, innovative technology, hospitality, ecology, energy saving, "green technologies", eco-hotels

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