, Russian Federation
Metrological support of photon radiation fields of low-intensity and near-background levels (0.04–100 μSv/h (μGy/h)) by ambient equivalent dose rate or kerma rate in air using scintillation detectors with NaI(Tl) crystals looks promising and in demand in dosimetry, but nontrivial due to the complex dependence of efficiency registration of gamma quanta from energy. The solution of such problems with the use of these detectors can be based on the use of the radiation response functions, which are functionals of the energy distribution of the radiation field fluence. The paper proposes a method for calculating the radiation response function adapted for solving metrological support problems for creating high-precision dosimetric measuring instruments based on scintillation detection units with NaI(Tl) crystals.
scintillation detection unit with NaI(Tl) crystal, radiation response function, Monte Carlo method, dosimetry, spectrometric method
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