Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
graduate student
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
GRNTI 55.03 Машиноведение и детали машин
The problem of wear of the locomotive wheel flange on the rail head when the train enters a curved section of the track is considered. It is shown that in most cases the solution to this problem is investigated from the point of view of modifying lubricants for the locomotive flange or offering new ones. Three types of additives are considered: organophosphorus compounds, organosulfatic compounds and hydroquinone derivatives; each of which has a different chemical-mechanical interaction with the base oil and the lubricated surface. When carrying out wear tests, the lowest value was given by an additive made of a hydroquinone derivative. Measurement of diffusion active hydrogen evolution during wear tests showed that the least hydrogen is evolved in the friction zone from a lubricant with an organophosphate additive. The analysis of relative water wear, as the ratio of the diffusion-active hydrogen evolution and the wear on the friction zone shows that it is most appropriate to use an organophosphate compound as an additive. It is established that for this friction unit it is advisable to use organophosphate as an additive to a lubricant, which in the process of friction and at higher temperature forms an eutectic system of metal phosphides with the ability to polish the surface.
flange, wheel, lubricant, additive, hydrogen wear
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