Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work objective is to obtain composite coatings by high-speed ion-plasma sputtering, to conduct comprehensive studies of the phase and elemental composition, fine crystal structure and tribotechnical characteristics of the coatings obtained. Research methods: Metal and carbon composite coatings with a controlled nanocrystalline structure were obtained by high-speed ion-plasma magnetron sputtering. For structural studies a step-by-step scanning mode was used in monochromatic radiation on a diffractometer. The coating quality was defined by abrasive friction using a friction machine at a constant specific load. The strength was evaluated by the intensity of linear wear of the coatings and the color of the friction tracks. The sliding friction coefficient was determined on the friction machine of a rotating disk with and without coating in dry air. The novelty lies in conducting comprehensive studies of the phase and elemental composition, fine crystal structure and tribotechnical characteristics of the coatings obtained, used in aircraft engine construction. Comprehensive studies of the phase and elemental composition, fine crystal structure and tribotechnical characteristics of the obtained coatings have been carried out. It is shown that these properties largely depend on the carbon content in the coating. Thus, with a content of 10-15% (at.) carbon, a decrease in the dry friction coefficient by 0.1-0.15 is observed. An increase in the carbon concentration > 50% (at.) leads to an increase in the friction coefficient (up to 0.25-0.35). Thus, a significant increase in various properties (mechanical, tribotechnical) can be achieved by changing the composition of the coating and its structure.

ion-plasma sputtering, composite coatings, nanocrystalline structure, coefficient coefficient, friction, properties, grid

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