Almetyevsk, Kazan, Russian Federation
Almetyevsk, Russian Federation
Kazan College of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Management
Kazan, Russian Federation
UDK 37 Образование. Воспитание. Обучение. Организация досуга
Managers have to coordinate various production, economic, technical, and social tasks in order to achieve common goals. As a result, they need to be able to communicate with a wide net of diverse contacts in this country and abroad. Therefore, intercultural communication plays a very important role in the business sphere. The present research featured the development of communicative competency in students of management for effective business communication. Readiness for business communication in a foreign language is an important indicator of professionalism. The authors defined the concepts of communication, effective business communication, and communicative competency. They focused on the interdisciplinary approach to the development of competencies in future managers as part of such disciplines as Management, Organization, Personnel Management, Economic theory, World Economy, and Business Foreign Language. The competency of business foreign language communication is both the purpose of training and a quality indicator. The article introduces an effective technology of developing the communicative competency in students that major in management. It is an interdisciplinary complex of interactive methods, techniques, Internet sources, and training tools.
communicative competency, professional activity, interdisciplinary integration, foreign language, technology
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