Moscow, Russian Federation
The article considers the directions and mechanisms of investment policy in the sphere of military-historical tourism. The article highlights features and practical advices on business planning in the creation of military-historical routes (MHRs). It is shown that in this case the investment business project is a purposeful change of control of military-historical tourist activities in the region, municipality with the requirements for the quality of the results of the use of MHRs, taking into account potential risks, restrictions on the flow of funds and resources and specific organizations for the development and implementation of such projects. The article describes common and fundamental mistakes in the preparation and submission of business plans for a MHR. Among them are the lack of clarity in the design of business plans for a MHR; ignorance of its market potential capacity, the position of competitors in the market; incorrect financial calculations. The article stresses that there should be clearly stated objectives of the project of a MHR, the results of their achievement should be interpreted unambiguously, and restrictions and requirements should be reasonable. Demonstrated are the features of business planningin the field of military and historical tourism as a complex object for management. Emphasized is the fact that the tourist attraction of sites and facilities of the military-historical nature can be significantly improved by targeting regional and municipal patriotic education and strengthening the role of military-historical components in educational institutions. The authors present the mechanism for implementation and the action plan for the implementation of project to create MHRs in three phases: pre-investment, investment and operations. Described are the main participants in the project to create a MHR, their functions, and also suggested are ten steps of the "roadmap "for the effective planning of regional and municipal authorities in creating MHRs.
military-historical route, tourism, investment policy, roadmap, regional aspects
Направления и механизмы инвестиционной политики в сфере развития военно-исторического туризма. Любой инвестиционный процесс начинается с создания бизнес-плана. Сфера военно-исторического туризма не является здесь исключением. Рассмотрим особенности и практические рекомендации бизнес-планирования при создании ВИМ.
Инвестиционный бизнес-проект при создании ВИМ — это ограниченное по времени целенаправленное изменение системы управления военно-историческими туристскими меропри-
ятиями в регионе, муниципалитете с установленными требованиями к качеству результатов использования ВИМ, с учетом возможных рисков, ограничениями на расход средств и ресурсов и специфической организации по его разработке и реализации.
Бизнес-проекты, как правило, отличает инвестиционный характер [1, 2, 5]. При этом размер инвестиций, требующихся для реализации проекта ВИМ, зависит от всех рисков и ограничений, а также от масштаба, длительности и сложности проекта.
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