Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The proliferation of new words and phrases accompanying the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 has led to new lexical and sociolinguistic changes that have become part of our lives. The present study attempts to examine the nature of new English words and expressions that emerged after the COVID-19 pandemic and to determine the type of word-formation processes that contributed to the emergence of these neologisms in English. The problem is that the emergence of a large number of neologisms associated with the COVID 19 pandemic creates difficulties when translating and applying them in speech. The object of the study is neologisms that appeared during the period of the COVID pandemic in the English language in 2020-2021. The subject of the research is the peculiarities of the formation of neologisms in modern English. The relevance of this work is conditioned by the need to study the new vocabulary that appears in speech due to the changes taking place in modern society under the influence of globalization. Language reflects today's changes as a global and unprecedented phenomenon, the memory of which will remain in history. Lexical neoplasms emerged during the pandemic period allow people to be versed in what is happening, regulate relationships and adapt to new living conditions.

COVID-19; pandemic; neologisms; word-formation processes; word creation; lexical neoplasms; derivational models; coronavirus

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