The subject of the research is a comparative analysis of the frequency of biblical and Quranic expressions related to the LOVE concept in the modern English-language Internet. The aim of the investigation firstly is to find out to what extent the religious foundations of culture influence on such a value dominant as the concept of LOVE, secondly, to find out the influence of secularization of the English-speaking society and spreading of Islam in the Western world on the conceptual dimension of the LOVE concept. As a research method it is used a search of biblical and Quranic expressions associated with the LOVE concept in the modern English-language Internet in the form of quotations from the Holy Scriptures and the Quran. An application area of the results of the investigation is situated at the turn of applied linguistics in the sphere of culture and comparative religious studies. The comparison of the indicated frequency and meanings of the LOVE concept in biblical and Quranic expressions allows to conclude that this concept in the linguistic picture of the world of our English speaking contemporaries remains Christian in its essence. Islam does not influence at all on the understanding of this life-setting value concept in the English-language picture of the world.
a concept, a representative, a notion, a biblical expression, a Quranic expression, frequency
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