Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
This article addresses the issues of organizing the communicative space of modern media. The main focus is on considering the names of podcasts - audio blogs on the Internet - in terms of the various language techniques used in them. The material for the study was podcasts operating on the platforms of the Internet site YouTube and the social network Vkontakte in Russia. 9 groups of podcast titles were identified by the type of reception underlying each name. It has been established that the corpus of titles in the podcasting industry is characterized by a wide variety. Among them, original names predominate, built on the basis of a language game, precedent texts, borrowings from other languages, stylistically marked words or implicit meaning, metaphorical, symbolic, ironic component embedded in them, which work on the implementation of a contact-establishing strategy for subsequent communication between mediators and the audience listeners.

media communication, naming, podcasting, Vkontakte, YouTube

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