graduate student
UDK 57 Биологические науки
GRNTI 64.29 Текстильная промышленность
The need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, decarbonization of industrial production makes it urgent to improve many technological schemes, including schemes for complex processing of plant resources. The authors of the article consider the possibility of recycling multi-tonnage waste bark of Siberian coniferous plants to obtain a marketable product – a natural dye for the textile industry. The study showed that the complex of coloring substances of the bark of Siberian fir, spruce and larch is mainly represented by flavonoid compounds, primarily quercetin, dihydroquercetin, kaempferol and naringin. With the presence of this class of organic compounds, the authors of the article associate the antibacterial activity of aqueous extracts from the waste of the debarking of the studied plants, as well as textile materials dyed by them. It was found that the optimal mode of extraction of a complex of coloring substances from the studied biomass is extraction with water at a temperature of 95-100 C for 120-180 minutes at a hydromodule of 1:50. The coloring of textile fibers of various natures with aqueous extracts of the bark of fir, spruce or Siberian larch gives them a rich beige-orange range of colors. High strength of coloring is recorded in the case of polyamide and mixed polyester fibers, colored with a natural dye from the bark of coniferous plants. The color strength of cotton fibers was assessed as satisfactory, and polyester fibers as insufficient. This circumstance allowed us to draw a conclusion about the expediency of coloring polyamide, cotton and mixed fibers with a natural dye from the waste of debarking coniferous plants, and the futility of such coloring of polyester textile materials.
natural dye, debarking waste, siberian fir, siberian spruce, siberian larch
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