Russian Federation
GRNTI 76.33 Гигиена и эпидемиология
GRNTI 76.03 Медико-биологические дисциплины
OKSO 31.06.2001 Клиническая медицина
OKSO 31.08.08 Радиология
OKSO 32.08.12 Эпидемиология
OKSO 14.04.02 Ядерные физика и технологии
BBK 534 Общая диагностика
BBK 51 Социальная гигиена и организация здравоохранения. Гигиена. Эпидемиология
TBK 5712 Медицинская биология. Гистология
TBK 5734 Медицинская радиология и рентгенология
TBK 6212 Радиоактивные элементы и изотопы. Радиохимия
TBK 5708 Гигиена и санитария. Эпидемиология. Медицинская экология
The review analyzes the features of the interaction of electromagnetic (EM) energy with various tissues and the temperature distribution in model, experimental and clinical studies from emitters for external and intracavitary microwave hyperthermia (MWHT). The effect of MWHT on the antitumor efficacy of radiation (RT) and / or chemotherapy (CT), as well as toxic effects on normal tissues, was studied. Based on the literature data and our own experience, some approaches to the treatment of cancer patients have been identified. The general principles of the method, the design features of the applicators and their role in creating a hyperthermic regime in tumors of superficial and subsurface localization are also considered. The development of methods for thermometric control and supply of the EM field, allowing relatively uniform heating of tumors, as well as the determination of the minimum effective thermal doses, remains a priority area of research both in MW and other hyperthermia methods. Based on the literature data and our own experience, some approaches to the treatment of cancer patients have been identified.
hyperthermia, microwave radiation, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, thermoradiotherapy, thermochemoradiation therapy
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