Conducting Studies of the Am-241 Radionuclide Incorporated into the Human Body Using a Wound Detector
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Abstract (English):
Purpose: to develop a method for experimental study of the distribution of radionuclide 241Am in human organs and tissues during wound admission to clarify the process of formation of doses of alpha radiation. Material and methods: in clinical practice of Burnazyan FMBC of the FMBA of Russia To improve the method of determination, an experiment was performed to determine the depth of radionuclide on pigskin with the location of 241Am point sources behind different thicknesses. Results: the used methods of measurement, tested on pigskin, allowed to obtain the dependence of the localization depth of radionuclide 241Am on the measured on the surface of the tissue ratios of photons with different energies. Conclusion: Set the ratio of photons with different energies on the thickness of the barrier (depth), and proven methodology allow you to go directly to the planning of experimental studies on the barrier effect created in the bone material, and including a radionuclide, the formation of doses of alpha radiation on the bone marrow.

Wound entry, deepening of the radionuclide in biological tissue, absorbed dose of alpha radiation, distribution of americium in organs and tissues, wound gamma spectrometer

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