Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article offers for consideration a variant of a lesson on the subject “The World-Around-Us”, which is held in the third grade based on the use of the educational and methodological set “Primary School of the XXI century”. The purpose of the lesson, which is part of the “Kingdoms of Nature” section, is to provide students with new knowledge about the diversity of the animal world. The high working capacity of junior schoolchildren during the entire period of the lesson is ensured by the use of various types of tasks that require constant mental activity, reasonable alternation of material of varying degrees of complexity, and the inclusion of elements of art pedagogy in the educational process. The use of art-pedagogical techniques allows the third graders to be informed as effectively as possible about the real results of their studies. Figuratively speaking, junior schoolchildren “put new knowledge in a portfolio and take it with them”, that is, they discover the expansion of their knowledge on the topic under study as a visual result of their activities in the lesson.

third grade students; a lesson from the outside world; work in pairs; reception of art pedagogy; adequate assessment by third graders of the results of their educational activities in the classroom; expanding understanding of the diversity of fauna on Earth; acquaintance with the classes of animals; unicellular and multicellular, vertebrates and invertebrates

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2. Vinogradova N.F. Okruzhayushchiy mir: metodika obucheniya. 3–4 klassy [The world around us: teaching methods. 3-4 classes]. Moscow: Ventana-Graf Publ., 2012. 368 p.

3. Starkov V. Mnogoobrazie odnokletochnykh zhivotnykh: fragment videouroka. 2015 g. [Diversity of unicellular animals: a fragment of a video lesson. 2015]. Available at: (accessed 29 October 2021).

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