, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Voronezh, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The analysis of information on the stability of the electronic component base (ECB) in the development of radio-electronic equipment (REE) of spacecraft (spacecraft) is an important and urgent task. The paper considers the main components of the approaches of foreign organizations developing radio space technology to ensure its radiation resistance. The design approaches of Thales Alenia Space, Airbus Defense and Space, and the European Space Agency are presented. The article outlines the main directions for optimizing the procedures for the preliminary selection of ECB, which consist in ensuring the required resistance of REE SC at the ECB level with ensuring the reliability of data on durability, in minimizing the costs of applying resistance enhancement measures (through the use of a promising ECB with increased resistance characteristics), to replace ECB.
Electronic component base (ECB), heavy charged particles (HCP), ionization radiation (IR), outer space (OS), tests, radiation resistance.
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