The basis of the third global paradigm of theory of chaos and self-organization, which focuses on the assessment of the chaotic dynamics of the state vector of complex biological systems using multi-dimensional phase space of states. The paper presents a comparative description of the effectiveness of the traditional stochastic methods and methods of calculating the parameters of quasi-attractors. It is showed the difference in efficiency (low) of stochastics, which leads to the uncertainty of the 1st kind, and methods of multidimensional phase spaces, providing the solution of system synthesis. Volumes quasi-attractors with kinesotherapy in patients with acute stroke increased 5.3 times in the initial stage of treatment, and then falling off sharply. It is discussed the need for parallel applications and stochastic methods and methods of theory of chaos and self-organization in the study of complex medical and biological systems.
stochastic chaos, quasi-attractor, kinesotherapy
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