Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. Goal. Assessment of the current state of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan, its role in ensuring the country's food security, substantiation of the directions of its development and minimization of threats to food security. Methods. In the course of the study, analytical and economic-statistical methods, general scientific methods of systemic, comparative and structural-logical analysis were used. Results. The article presents the results of an assessment of the current state of agriculture in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the main criteria for the country's food security: dynamics and volume of sown areas, livestock and poultry, crop yields, dynamics of crop and livestock production, volumes and dynamics of imports and exports of food products, the level depreciation of fixed assets and provision of agricultural producers with machinery. The main problems of agricultural production are identified, the threats to the country's food security are identified. Measures of state support and state regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the country aimed at its further development, increasing the efficiency of its activities, increasing the competitiveness of domestic products in the domestic and foreign markets, saturating the domestic market with socially significant food products in order to ensure the country's food security are disclosed. The trends in the development of the agro-industrial complex within the framework of the main state development programs are given: Concepts for the development of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan for 2021–2030 and the National project for the development of the agro-industrial complex for 2021–2025. Scientific novelty lies in the study of the problems of the country's food security and the sustainable development of the agro-industrial complex, and the determination of the main directions for the development and state support of agricultural production in order to increase the level of the country's food security.

food security, food security indicators, food import and export, government support, subsidies, depreciation of fixed assets, government development programs, agricultural production, food security threats, development directions
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