Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
To identify the determinants of labor productivity, estimates of the relationship between labor productivity and indicators reflecting the influence of a wide range of socio-economic and innovative factors in the regions of Russia for 2015-2018 were obtained. For 2018 and the aggregate of data for 2015-2018, according to statistics from 82 regions of Russia, econometric models were built in the form of a standard internally linear function - an analogue of the Cobb-Douglas production function. The resulting models made it possible to establish the following. The capital-labor ratio, average monthly wages, the ratio of funds (indicator of income inequality), innovative activity of organizations and exports have a significant positive effect on labor productivity in the region. The number of researchers with advanced degrees and the import of machinery and equipment have a significant negative impact on labor productivity in the region. The negative impact on labor productivity in the number of researchers with advanced degrees is associated with problems caused by the command and control principles of science and education management. The ineffectiveness of the import of machinery and equipment testifies to the imperfection of foreign economic relations.

productivity, regions, determinants of productivity, econometric models

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