Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The urgency of the problem under consideration is since the policy of modernization of the industrial complex of the Russian Federation has drawn attention to the problems of old-industrial regions - territories where highly specialized industries associated with “outgoing” technological structures are concentrated. The work aims to analyze the contribution of old-industrial regions to the spatial development of federal districts and macroregions. As a result of the study, it was found that the most significant contribution of regions of the old-industrial type to the development of the Siberian, Ural, and Far Eastern federal districts, and in the leading regions, it is mainly provided by the industry of the second technological order - metallurgy, the predominance of which in the sectoral structure of regional economies casts doubt on the possibility of ensuring their competitive advantages in the context of the entry of the sixth technological order based on nano- and biotechnologies. It was stated that, in general, the contribution of the old-industrial regions to the development of the corresponding federal districts could not be considered significant. Using the example of the Northwestern Federal District, it is shown that the current system of statistical observation does not make it possible to diagnose the contribution of regions of various types, in particular, old-industrial territories, to the socio-economic and spatial development of federal districts and macroregions of the country. Solving the problem of increasing the contribution of old-industrial regions to the development of the Russian Federation requires strengthening the non-resource and service sectors of their regional economies, increasing the share of deep processing in the main industrial sectors, and implementing large-scale projects in the transport sector.

old-industrial region, spatial development of the Russian Federation, regional policy, federal district, macroregion, industrial production

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