Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.1992 until now
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Ekaterinburg, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation
Objectives. Since 2018, the Faculty of Dentistry of UGMU has started implementing an international student exchange program within the framework of IADS (International Association of Dental Students), during which students undergo internships at the Faculty of Dentistry and at the dental clinic of UGMU for 2-4 weeks. The purpose of this event is to show the possibilities of such a form of training for future dentists as an international internship at the Faculty of Dentistry, as part of the exchange of students between universities. Material, methods, results. In July 2018, 4 fifth-year students studying in the specialty "Dentistry" at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia) and 1 fourth-year student of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Tehran University of Medical Sciences (Iran) (in English) came to the IADS internship in the profile "Dentistry". In July 2021, a scientific and clinical internship of foreign dental students was held for three students from Croatia and Germany. The training cycle consists of lectures and practical exercises with the development of manual skills. During the internship, the guests get acquainted with the structure of USMU, visit the bases of the Faculty of Dentistry for practical training, the vivarium and the central research laboratory of USMU. Conclusions. The experience of conducting international internships for foreign students is a promising direction in the development of the university, which is successfully being introduced into the international space. A vivid proof of this statement is that the Dental Faculty of the Ural State Medical University (USMU) in 2021 was awarded an award for conducting an international clinical exchange from the International Association of Dental Students (IADS).
IADS, dental education, Ural State Medical University, industrial practice, international internships for foreign students
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