Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In accordance with the "Strategy for the Development of the Fisheries complex of the Russian Federation until 2030", it is planned to significantly increase the Russian catch outside its own exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The most promising for this are the commercial resources of krill in the Atlantic part of Antarctica and horse mackerel in the South Pacific Ocean [1; 9]. These areas were discovered and studied by Russian scientists and fishermen. For more than 15 years (until 1993) of the former USSR/In the Russian Federation, large-scale fishing was conducted there year-round. In parallel, complex commercial and oceanological studies were carried out, according to the results of which databases and knowledge bases on the scale and mechanisms of the influence of oceanological conditions on interannual changes in the biomass and distribution of krill and mackerel were created in the Atlantic Branch of VNIRO (AtlantNIRO). At present, modern oceanological measurements are widely used in commercial oceanological research: scanning of the ocean surface in various frequency ranges from artificial Earth satellites and the results of vertical sounding of the ocean to depths of about 2000 m by drifting buoys of the international Argo project. The purpose of the article is to present the results of the use of modern oceanological information in commercial oceanological research, to develop on this basis new approaches to the management of krill and mackerel stocks.

Antarctic part of the Atlantic, South Pacific Ocean, commercial oceanological research, satellite altimetric measurements of ocean level, autonomous sounding buoys of the Argo project, scientific support of rational fishing, increase in Russian catch

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