Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Based on the comparative complex neuromorphological, morphometric and histochemical studies of ganglia of intermuscular plexus multichamber stomach (its departments: the rumen, reticulum, omasum and abomasum) of lambs of edilbaev’s breed located on the induction effect with ewes (control group) and bottle-fed sheep milk substitute (ZOM) Colvo-Start (experience) of adaptive-compensatory changes in the nervous tissue of the organ are set. Adapting to artificial feeding is manifested in the dairy phase (15 days), a decrease in the growth potential of the main population nerve-cell ganglia scar delayed cytodifferentiation in the ganglia of the grid and of rennet, the asynchronous nature of cell differentiation in a medium-sized portion of the stomach, which leads to increased morphological and functional heterogeneity of the nervous tissue of the stomach multicam . Adaptive-compensatory changes are associated with the hypertrophic growth of large neurons, a decrease in their content in the ganglia, change neuro-glial relations, increased ferningdendro-axonal tree and subsequent to the period of transition to the definitive animal feed, reduction of secondary branching dendrites. Changes due to the changing nature of breastfeeding are a reflection of the complex and dynamic processes of compensatory adaptation, which is peculiar to the entire nervous system as a whole, which has a high potency for self-regulation.

artificial nutrition, intermuscular ganglia, multi-chambered stomach, nerve cells, cytodifferentiation.

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