Krasnoyarsk State Medical University named after Prof. V. F. Voino-Yasenetsky
Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
This experimental study featured the process of brain building in senior preschoolers, namely the characteristics of verbal and nonverbal thinking at this stage of ontogenesis. The authors substantiated the possibilities of psychological and pedagogical support for cognitive development. Mental operations were tested using standard psychological diagnostics. The article covers some psychological and pedagogical theories of brain development in preschoolers. In visual-figurative forms, the development level of mental operations proved to be more expressive than in verbal and logical forms. The research revealed various possibilities of targeted development of verbal and nonverbal brain building components in senior preschoolers, as well as the forms and methods of psychological and pedagogical support it requires. The author believes that traditional educational practices should be reformed. Organized educational environment, productive activities, and games develop cognitive interests and curiosity and catalyze the development of activities initiated by the child. Experimental data proved the effectiveness of specially created programs of psychological and pedagogical support for the verbal and non-verbal cognitive development of preschoolers.
brain building, mental operations, nonverbal thinking, verbal thinking, cognitive development, cognitive processes
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