Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: To analyze the existing computational methods for estimating aerosol losses in sampling systems at nuclear energy use facilities, presented in domestic and foreign regulatory documentation and technical literature, in order to form proposals for practical optimization of the use of these computational algorithms. Results: Methods for calculating the loss of aerosol particles in air sampling systems from pipes, ventilation systems and premises of nuclear energy facilities are considered. A comparative analysis of methods for estimating aerosol losses considered in Russian and foreign regulatory and technical documentation is performed. The basics of aerosol mechanics are briefly considered. On the basis of the conducted research, the possible applications of the considered methods for estimating aerosol losses in the design for various initial situations are considered. The expediency and prospects of developing clear computational algorithms for use in the design and operation of sampling systems are considered

sampling system, radioactive aerosols, aerosol losses, isokinetics, gravitational deposition, sedimentation, inertial deposition, turbulent deposition, diffusion deposition

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