Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article presents aspects of the formation of general professional competencies of bachelors in the field of physical culture and sports in the study of the discipline "Fundamentals of sports morphology", which will allow to form a certain level of practical skills in future professional activities; tasks of educational and scientific orientation are defined. The sequence in the study of biological disciplines is considered, which allows creating a sufficient level of basic knowledge for the formation of further professional competencies. All components of the educational process in the discipline "Fundamentals of sports morphology" are formulated, which ensure the formation of the implementation of the tasks set. The indicators of achieving the level of general professional competence have been determined, providing a scientifically grounded approach to the construction of the educational and training process and sports selection and orientation.

general professional competencies, sports morphology, physical culture and sports, professional skills, physical culture and sports activities, educational and training process

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