Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article proposes an ontological model of mass communication (MK), in the construction of which structural-functional and metaphorical methods of modeling are used. The study argues selection archetypical psychological structures, which can be the basis of a representative of a communicative model. The model establishes the equality of the values of the communicator and the recipient in the communication process and the resulting structural symmetry mental and activity cycles of communication, in particular, balances the communicative effect of the binding force of the communicative order, that allows to specify the meaning of the term «free press». The model identifies six key positions for evaluation of objective condition system MC in society. Analysis of these positions is carried out in accordance with distribution of the information flow in the MC not on the technological characteristics (press, radio, TV, etc.), as it is usually, and in accordance with the four psychological modes C. Jung, that methodologically predetermined ontological view of communication.

communication, mass communication, modeling, information interaction, ontology, communicator, recipient, emotion

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