Mogilev, Belarus
Improving the efficiency of managing the organizational processes of IT projects is an urgent task that project managers constantly solve. One of the ways to solve this problem is to use evolutionary modelling for the rational choice of composing the performers’ teams and distributing the performers to the given tasks. In accordance with modern flexible IT project management methodologies, some of the main factors for the successful implementation of an IT project are people and relationship. This necessitates taking into account the performers’ personal and psychological qualities in a complex, considering professional competencies. The main criterion for IT project management efficiency is the labour intensity of solving project problems. The COCOMO II method allows having the most complete consideration of various aspects of the performers’ team work while calculating labour intensity. The article proposes a scheme and describes the main stages of the experiment, which makes it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of using an integrated systematic approach to solving the problem of improving the efficiency of managing the organizational processes of IT projects. Experimental checking implements comprehensive processing of information about the personal and psychological qualities and professional competencies of the performers’ teams members, a comprehensive assessment of the decision-making effectiveness when managing the synthesis of the performers’ team composition and structure and the distribution of project participants into tasks based on developing evolutionary modeling methods in combination with the COCOMO II method and the method of paired comparisons T. Saaty.
evolutionary modelling, management, IT projects, adequacy testing, experiment
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