, Russian Federation
UDK 65.011 Общие принципы. Рентабельность. Рационализация. Производительность. Эффективность производства
Purposes: To consider the issues to decrease transport constituent and expenditures of companies-operators of rail rolling-stock on oil product transportation. This can be reached by the way of handover for outsourcing of job parts that are implemented by companies-operators of rail rolling stock. Methods: The method of comparative analysis inclusive of function minimization for expenditures on oil product transportation be means of expenditure decrease on the handover of jobs on washout-steaming of tanks at washout-steaming stations to outsourcing companies. Result of given article’s investigation has been the analysis of the ways of expenditure minimization for rail rolling stock operators with the use of evaluation methodology for outsourcing application effectiveness. The conditions, allowing to conclude on outsourcing application practicability, have been described. The methodology of practicability evaluation pursuing for tank washoutsteaming job handover to outsourcing has been developed. Integral indicator of outsourcing practicability level inclusive of weight coefficient calculation has been deduced. Calculation formula of application efficiency for outsourcing on arterial transport has been set. Practical significance: Practicability of tank washout and steaming implementation at washout-steaming stations by means of companies-operators of rail rolling stock and by means of outsourcer has been considered. Economic effectiveness of job handover to outsourcing has been defined.
oil industry, oil products, outsourcing, company-operator of rail rolling stock, matrix of outsourcing practicability evaluation
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