Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Purpose: Research of interaction between ditch fencing constructions and ground massive in negative temperature period. Methods: Pursuing nature measurements on active construction site and numerical modeling. Data on stress-strain state of “ditch fencing -ground massive” system were obtained; the comparison of experimental data with calculation results were made; the proposal on accounting for additional efforts against frost heave in the system “ditch fencing -ground massive” was formulated. Results: It was established that magnitude of forces of frost heave can be significant that says on the necessity to consider them while engineering of unfastened ditch fencings. It follows according to obtained calculation estimation of frost heave forces effecting fencings that it’s necessary not just to take into account a ground freezing depth but also negative temperature values which at, efforts in ditch fencing constructions can reach the maximum. Practical importance: At comparison of experimental data with retaining wall calculation results, the factors are determined which out of, the loss of bearing capability of spacer system particular elements is possible. There’re also obtained the detailed data on joint work of fencing and ground massive at active construction site in geotechnical conditions of Saint-Petersburg.

frost heave, ditch fencing, spacer system, nature experiment, numerical modelling
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